Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Helping Children Deal With a Pet's Death

After having to tell our children about the death of their gerbil last week I thought I'd write a few things about what helped them deal with it. First we had a family meeting. We told them the news and that it wasn't their fault. Then we realized that the kids listening to each other crying was making it worse so I took our daughter on a short walk. Once separated both kids calmed down right away. My husband and I felt that separating them after the initial news helped a lot. Our daughter also wrote (or dictated to me) a poem and drew a picture. This also helped her a lot. Now they seem to be over it and only occasionaly mention getting a new gerbil or hamster. I'm not to excited about getting a new one!


  1. Alisha, I'm so sorry for your kids. I remember losing my pet when I was younger and know it's hard. And thank you for the wonderful comment about my recipe! BTW, I'm from Ring-Around-The-Blogs!

  2. My son's parakeet died last week and it is hard to find an easy way to explain to them. He wants another parakeet too but we told him we were going to wait until we got moved before we decided on anything. *ring around the blogs*
